What To Look For When Buying A Guitar Amplifier: A Beginners Guide
In this lesson, we are going to learn what to look for when buying a guitar amplifier. A beginners guide. The amplifier is the backdrop of your sound, and much research should be done when choosing the correct one.
You pluck the strings, they vibrate through the guitar it goes through the cord, through effects (if you use them), and into the amp.
It goes through the amp and comes out of the speaker. The sound you hear in the result is you. You as a guitar player. Coming out of your mind and fingers
Depending on what kind of music you prefer, buying an amplifier and knowing what kind to get is crucial. If you like blues like Stevie Ray Vaughn.
Types of amplifiers to choose from
When it comes to guitar amplifiers there are many to choose from. Too many. That is why it can be a bit overwhelming for a beginner. I recommend you do your research and pick the correct one for your needs.
I say the correct one because all amplifiers are a little different. Just like all guitars. Each one has features that are best for certain types of music. The amplifiers below are what I’d recommend starting with.
I’d go with Fender. Metallica, go with Marshall. An amp with all kinds of knobs and effects built-in, go with Vox, Peavey or Line6.
Fender Mustang
Line 6 Spider
My favorite: Marshall amplifiers
All the models mentioned above are great in their way. It’s like a car versus a truck. Which one is better? It depends on what your use of the vehicle is.
Same with amplifiers. Each one is different and just like guitars and effects, I recommend, trying out different ones.
Now, although I have different amps I play through, I prefer Marshall Amplification. Why? I’ll tell you why. First of all, almost all the guitar players that have influenced me, play through Marshall or have at one time.
Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Slash, Kiss, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Van Halen, AC/DC, Deep Purple, etc, etc, etc. Too many to list here but you get the point.
Appeals to many great guitar players
You see, these guys can choose any amp they want and they choose Marshall. Why? Because Marshall has a nice bright tone that cuts through just as an amp should.
If you’re looking for a darker tone then maybe one of the other amps out there will be best suited for you. Mesa Boogie. But I prefer the bright sound of Marshall.
Sound like your favorite guitar heroes
Plus when I play songs by the bands mentioned above, I get their tone because that’s what they use. I also like Marshall because it’s simple.
However, through changes in the times, they are getting more versatile with effects built-in. I think they still sound great.
I don’t like too many knobs. Too many options. Much like the effects processors (see my post on effects), it takes too much time to dial in a nice tone. I like simplicity.
Plugin, turn up to 10, and rock out! Effective and much more concentration on playing and not so much time spent on tone dialing. But that’s just me.
Amplifier features
When buying an amplifier be sure to look at tone dialing and adding effects on amps. Much more will be posted later on getting a good tone.
Whichever one you decide to use, I recommend trying a few out and seeing which one fits your personality and music preference.
Research what amps are used by your favorite players as I’ve done. When buying an amplifier, think to use what they do. If you are just starting, get something small and portable that’s not too expensive.
That way you can carry it. If you decide to jam with a friend, you’ll be set. If you decide to upgrade later down the road, you don’t have too much investment.
Have fun shopping
And as always, practice and remember to have fun. Go shopping. Plug into an amp and check it out. Dial in a tone & see how it sounds. You don’t have to play too loud unless you choose to. If so, rock out!
Or maybe, just be cool mellow, and low-key with not too much attention. Whichever fits your personality and style of playing is best. If you ask me, choose Marshall.
Take care and contact me if you have any questions. I will do my best to help.
For additional training, view lessons:
How to find your notes when playing guitar
Why using a capo can benefit your playing
Until our next lesson, take care.
Sincerely, Dwayne Jenkins